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@KTzone » 歌詞庫 » Blue October Blue October » 生命進行式 (Approaching Normal) » The End

歌 手: Blue October (Blue October)

歌 曲: The End (專 輯:生命進行式 (Approaching Normal))

上傳會員: ntt123

日 期: 2009 - 3

歌 詞
作曲:J. Furstenfeld、P. Leonard   
   Here alone, standing barefoot in our lawn,  
Worms squeezing their way through my toes  
Tonight that's how it goes.  
I'm at your window kneeling quiet,  
I thought at least I'd maybe try to get your head right  
Get your heart right  
「Let him go!」  
Then through the glass I see your dress fall to the floor  
As he embraces every inch of you  
The woman I adore.  
I can't believe the way you're bending  
Can't believe this neverending moaning asking him for more  
I heard you begging him for more  
How far will I go  
To make it feel right? 「Come home」  
I have to fix this on my own  
Replace my heart,  
Cause I'm convinced mine broke the day I let us end  
Replace my heart,  
I don't wanna live by coping, I'm done with hoping…..end  
I creeped in close enough to see the way he touched her,  
From her feet across her knees, inside her sweetest spot  
he pleased and pleased her.  
I turned around and tried to take control,  
but no control was capable  
It was a centerfold of how less than low can possibly go.  
I squeezed the life into my brain  
Like pushing knives into a vein  
I've gotta get, I've gotta get, I said I've gotta get inside  
So to the back window I crawl in silent standing in the darkness  
Of my living room, my living room  
This used to be my home  
How far will I go  
To make it feel right? 「Come home」  
I'm moving forward to the bedroom door  
Replace my heart  
Cause I'm convinced mine broke the day I let us end  
Replace my heart  
I don't wanna live by coping, I'm done with hoping…end  
I turn the doorknob with two fingers to be slow  
Enough to sneak into the room among the corner darkness gloom  
I had to see this happening.  
He pushed himself so deep inside her clapping rang  
and bounced off every wooden walled room  
And that's when all went silent blank except the color red  
As I walked calmly numbing paralyzed beside the bed  
I said 「I know I'm not allowed to be here. I just had to see  
How good this new man really fucks you.  
Cause you both been fucking me.」  
「So now I planned the last thing you can both do as a pair  
I tie both blindfolds tight around your fucking eyes to blind your stare  
I don't want to alarm you,  
but I figured we could end this in  
what seems easy quick and painless  
So I'll get down to business  
I choose you first, there's a gun, its at your head  
So laugh at me just one more time but keep your face inside the bed  
You sit and watch me while I do this shit and learn from what I've said.」  
I cocked the pistol pulled the trigger, and all I saw was red  
How far will I go  
To make it feel right? 「Come home」  
I'm moving forward to the bedroom door  
Then the screaming oh the screaming  
It's nice to see you scared  
Of such a weak and stupid husband  
Who knows you never really cared  
I'll leave you with a question that I need to hear from your head  
Was all this worth it knowing u have just seconds left to live?  
Now think about your answer, laying face down on the bed  
I cocked the pistol pulled the trigger and all I saw was red  
I gently stroke her arm as she lies lifeless on her back  
Then placed the barrel in my mouth  
All I saw was black.  

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